
Sunday, December 12, 2010


Do you know why there are people kissing under the mistletoe during Christmas? During Christmas it has been said that young men had the privilege of kissing a young woman under the mistletoe. This thing had become a tradition in other parts of the world and has been going on for ages. For those who don't know what a mistletoe is, well, it is an hemi-parasitic evergreen plant with white berries they grows on branches or trunks of a tree but are also capable to grow on their own. There are two types of mistletoe, the Phoradendron flavescens and the Viscum album.  European and North American species are commercially harvested f to be use as Christmas decorations. It has been said that early Europeans used mistletoe as ceremonial plants. Greeks believed that mistletoe had mystical powers. Scandinavia is said to be the origin of that tradition of kissing under the mistletoe.  It is known as a plant of peace by ancient Scandinavians. According to Christmas customs , any two people who meet under a hanging mistletoe should kiss and  such kiss could mean a lasting friendship or a deep romance. It is believe that a couple who kissed under the mistletoe will soon marry and will have a happy and long life. This custom is still being done in many European countries. These days, artificial mistletoes are used to decorate our houses during Christmas season.

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