
Monday, December 13, 2010


Do you know why candy canes becomes one of the commonly used Christmas decoration? In the late 1600's, candy canes becomes popular, and it was when a choirmaster in Cologne Cathedral, distributed freely white candy sticks to children who attended long ceremonies at the Cathedral. This was eventually bent to become like a shepherds stuff. America was introduced to this candy stick in 1800's. In 1950, a man from Atlanta, Georgia named Bob McCormack make candy canes for his family and friends. With the popularity of candy canes, a Catholic priest, named Gregory Keller who was the brother-in-law of Bob, invented a machine that will mass produce candy canes. It was named Bob's Candies Inc. which then became the largest producer of candy canes. 
It is said that candy canes is associated with Jesus Christ. Candies are hard that could represent the church which is built upon a rock. Jesus is our shepherd. Shepherds uses cane or it can also represent the shepherds who visited the newborn baby Jesus.  Usually candy canes were decorated with red and white stripes. The red stripes represents Jesus' blood that saves mankind and white represents our pure and sinless Jesus Christ. Turning the candy cane upside down and it will form the letter J which is the initial of the name of Jesus Christ. The candy maker made this candy canes to remind us what Christmas is all about.

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