
Sunday, November 28, 2010


Christmas is in the air and one of the most Christmas figure is Santa Claus. Santa Claus also known as Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, St. Nick, St. Nicholas, Santa or Sinterklaas in Dutch. He is known to us as the fat, jolly man with white beard who wears a red suit with white fur, black belt and black boots. Legend tells us that he lives in North Pole together with his wife and his magical elves that help him in making toys for children as his gift but did you know that the true Santa Claus was Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas was born sometime in 280 AD in the village of Patara ( Southern Coast of modern day Turkey). He became an orphan at a very young age. His parents died of an epidemic. He was taught by his parents to be a God fearing child. He inherited all the wealth left by his parents which he used to help the needy. At a young age, he was made Bishop of Myra because of his devotion to the Lord.
During the time of Roman Emperor Diocletian, Saint Nicholas was imprisoned. He attended the Council of Nicaea in AD 325 after his released. He died in December 6, 343 AD and was then buried at a cathedral in Myra and at his grave, a unique relic was formed and was named manna. December 6, which is the date of his death became his feast day (December 19 in the Julian calendar). Today, he is also known as the patron saint of children and sailors.
Saint Nicholas have been linked with many legends. One of his well known story is the story of a poor man with 3 daughters. These woman were supposed to be sold to slavery by their father who couldn't afford their dowry for them to get marry but mysteriously on three different occasions, a bag of gold was seen at their home, providing the amount needed for dowries. It is said that the bag of gold was tossed in the open window and landed on a stocking placed near the fireplace to dry. This is how the custom of children hanging stockings waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. How about the Santa climbing on the chimney? It is said that on the third time that he had to toss the bag of gold into the window of the poor man, it was closed so he instead climb up the chimney and there he dropped the bag of gold.

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