
Sunday, December 19, 2010


Among the Christmas decorations that we use, it is the Christmas tree that literally stands out. The joy and spirit of Christmas  usually starts with the whole family decorating the Christmas tree. It becomes the family's opportunity to bond, share ideas and plans for the coming Christmas, and show their creativity.
Do you know how the Christmas tree started as one of the most commonly used Christmas decoration around the world?
It is said that in the 7th century, a monk from Devonshire went to Germany to spread the word of God. He used the triangular shape of the Fir tree to describe the Holy Trinity of God which is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. People then started to call the Fir tree as the tree of God. In the 12th century in Europe,  being known as the symbol of Christianity, people hung Fir tree on the ceiling upside down and this was being done during Yuletide season. In the early 1500's, people in Riga, Latvia were the first who decorated the tree. It is said that Martin Luther who was the first person who put the Christmas tree indoor and decorated it with candles, this was to show his children how the stars at night looked like when being viewed in the forest. In the 17th century, the Christmas tree came to England. They put several small trees on their tables, one for each member of the family with their gifts being put under his or her tree. In 1846, the Christmas tree became popular not only in Britain but also in East Coast of America, that is when people saw Queen Victoria and Prince Albert post for the magazine, Illustrated London News standing with their children around the Christmas tree.  In the 1860's small toys were being hung on the branches of the Christmas tree as decoration. In 1870's putting glass ornaments on the Christmas tree became a status symbol in Britain and in 1880's it became the measure of Social standing as Christmas trees during this time became taller. In 1900's, artificial but real looking Christmas trees were used, decorated with balls and ribbons.

Some Amazing facts about Christmas trees:

- King Tut never saw a Christmas tree. this was according to David Robson an Extension Educator at Springfield Extension Center.
- Egyptians treasure and worshiped Evergreens
- Druids place Evergreen branches over their doors to keep away evil spirits.
- In 1850's Christmas trees were being sold commercially in the United States.
- Among the best selling Christmas trees were the Douglas Fir, Virginia pine, Scotch pine, Noble fir, Fraser fir, White pine and the balsam fir.
- Real Christmas trees remove dust and pollen in the air.
-  Real Christmas tree shouldn't be burn in fireplaces as this can build up cresolate buildup.
- Artificial Christmas trees will last for 6 years but will last for centuries in a landfill.
- For environmental reason, President Theodore Roosevelt of USA banned the use of Christmas tree in White House.
- The first US President to put Christmas tree in White House was the 14th President, Franklin Pierce.
- 80 percent of the artificial Christmas tree were produced in China.
- Most artificial Christmas trees were made of metals and plastics typically PVC which are potential source of hazardous lead.
- Fake trees were first invented by a company who made toilet bowl brushes.

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