
Monday, October 25, 2010


Do you believe in KARMA? Ever heard someone saying " of all people, why would these things happens to me?"

KARMA - or kamma in pali which mean what you do to others is what you get similarly. 
Buddhist, and Hindus were not the only ones who believe in Karma, even Christians do.The bible has something to say about karma. Galatians (chapter 6 verse 7) tells us that " Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A person reaps what he sow". Another is in Matthew (chapter 7 verse 12) 
" 12So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." . This verses were also similar to the words of Confucius.

Karma could have been a result of your physical, verbal or mental actions. Does your past life has something to do with the karma you are experiencing in your present life?
There are others who explains that this is the reason why there are individuals who keeps on doing good things but yet faces lots of difficulties in life. There are no individual who can escape the consequences of his actions. It can have a short term or long term effect. 

Read this meaningful quotes:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Truly, indeed that you may feel some sort of happiness being able to see the fall of someone you don't want,  but remember chapter 7 of the letter of Paul to the Galatians that "the lord cannot be mocked." He sees everything you do, be very careful of your words and actions. Good will be returned with good; evil with evil.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Just a week left and many countries will have their annual celebration of Halloween. Celebration differs from different parts of the world. But this celebration wouldn't be complete without spooky things. There are some who would celebrate halloween through costume parties, trick or treating and for those who seek adventure this is the best time for ghost haunting but are there real ghost?
I have been searching for videos of ghost sightings and happens to see these. 
Check out these videos....

Its up to you my friends to decide whether they are true or just fabricated...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For sure, you already have heard about psychic, psychic abilites, psychic phenomena, paranormal. So what exactly is a psychic ability?

Psychic - is a person who has the skill or power to perceived informations through the extra sensory perception(ESP).  It comes from the Greek word " Psychikos" which means mental. The word psychic was first used by Nicolas Camille Flammarion, a French Astronomer.

Psychic ability - is the ability to get or gather knowledge that a person should not normally know.


CLAIRVOYANCE - comes from the word CLAIR which means clear and VOYANCE which means vision. It is the ability to gain information about a person, place, things, or a physical event without using any of the five senses. It is also called Remote Viewing.

CLAIRAUDIENCE - from the word CLAIR and AUDIENCE which means hearing.
It is the ability to hear things beyond the normal hearing range by paranormal auditory means.

CLAIRSENTIENCE OR CLAIREMPATHS - Sentience means feeling. It is the ability to know or feel the emotions of others.

CLAIRESCENCE /CLAIRALIENCE - from the word CLAIR meaning clear and ALIENCE which means smelling. It is the ability to access psychic powers through the sense of smell.

PSYCHOMETRY - is the ability to perceive information regarding a person, place, or things by touching or holding an object associated with it.

PSYCHOKINESIS - from the greek word psyche which means mind and kinesis meaning motion. It is the ability to move an object through the use of powers of mind. It is also called Telekinesis.

DISTANT HEALING - is the ability to heal pains or illnesses by transferring energies even if the subject is not present.

MENTAL TELEPATHY - it is the ability to transfer thoughts or communicate by mind to another person.

AURA READING OR AURIC SIGHT - is the ability to see luminous energies emanating from a person or see the colors of the aura.

According to studies all human have psychic abilities you just have to develop them.
 There are claims that once you develop psychic abilities, you will discover your strength and weaknesses but before getting involve, it is better to know the pros and cons of developing such abilities. There cases wherein a person overdo the practice of developing psychic abilities and end up being a patient in a "Psychiatric ward".

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Nuffnang and PLDT myDSL Special Screening"

Check this out guys!! If you're one of my blog reader you have certainly read the article that I wrote about social networking sites, how they started, their success and their founder. Well, "The Social Network", is a movie based on the story behind the success of FACEBOOK and its founder Mark Zuckerberg. It will be shown soon, Nuffnang and PLDT myDSL will be having a special screening of this must see movie. See the picture below..

Did I just say PLDT myDSL? Oh, if "The Social Network is to Facebook, well,  PLDT myDSL modem + wifi is to best and comfortable internet connection". Yes! PLDT myDSL  is now with a new promo. Check this out....

isn't it really the best and comfortable internet connection provider? imagine having a connection just by using a plug and play gadget and enjoying it like the regular myDSL modem, not only that, by availing one of their high speed plan  you can connect simultaneously with wifi, hahaha!!! no need to worry about someone in your family bothering you while you are playing your favorite game on facebook. Surfing the internet within 25 meters distance through wifi connection, ohh great! you can enjoy surfing or downloading even you are in your  backyard. (of course by using your laptop or any wifi enabled gadget). Wait, if you have more than one desktop computer at home, there's no need to worry as the modem has 4 ports so you can enjoy sharing internet connection. Trouble with the connection? no need to wait for hours or days to be served by a technical group because PLDT myDSL has come with remote troubleshooting. What else can you ask for?

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Remember bumblebee? the descendant of Optimus Prime, the autobot who damaged  his vocal processor during one of his battle and uses his car stereo to communicate with his friend Sam Witwicky, Well, he met an accident last Monday.
The popular autobot Bumblebee met an accident last Monday, October 11 while filming the movie TRANSFORMER 3.
The shooting of the movie took place in the streets of Washington DC, the scene was a chase when suddenly a rushing police SUV appeared on the scene and accidentally collided with the yellow chevy camaro (Bumblebee). The police car was supposed to respond on a reported suspicious package. The staff and crew of the movie was horrified as some onlookers though the collision was part of the movie. The stunt driver was unharmed but the police who was a bomb expert was brought to the hospital after having minor injuries. According to reports the DC police that were coordinated by the production crew of TRANSFORMERS 3 and the police on SUV were on different radio frequency making it impossible for the latter to know that the road was closed for the filming.

For those who don't know, just last September 1, during their filming in Northwest Indiana, a movie extra named Gabriella Cedillo was unfortunately hit by a metal tow cable that was welded on the stunt car. Reports said that the cable broke, whipped and slashed into Cedillo's car also slicing her skull. She immediately undergoes brain surgery. She was reportedly recovered but her entire left body part were paralyzed.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


We have been hearing a lot about FHMD (Foot, Hand and Mouth Disease) recently, especially when it was broadcast that Ms. Kris Aquino and her two sons namely Josh and Baby James got infected by the virus. So what exactly is FHMD?

According to what some information I have read from the internet FHMD should not be mistaken to FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) although their names are almost the same, they are totally unrelated and are caused by different organisms.

FMD is a virus that affects cattle, swine and sheep. They are from the Picornaviridae family, Aphthovirus genus. FMD is  known to be one of the most contagious livestock disease. This spreads from one animal to another rapidly. Mode of transmission is through feces, saliva, mucus, breaths, and milk.

FHMD are caused by intestinal viruses. It is a common viral infection that affects infants and children but adults who have immune deficiencies can also be infected.. The infections is spread from a person to another through direct contact with the infectious virus. It is said that the first week of the infection is the most contagious and although the symptoms have gone away, FHMD can still remain in the body for weeks. Some who were infected of this virus may not show any symptom. It is also said that a person who already got the infection is most likely to be immune from the disease. It may only recur if the person who already got FHMD in the past catches the infection that came from a different member of the enterovirus group that causes FHMD.

FHMD symptoms are the following:

vomiting, malaise, pain in the ear, fatigue, headache, sore throat, fever, oral lesions, non-itchy body rash, sores with blisters on palms and soles, diarrhea, and oral ulcers.

There are no specific treatment for the disease and no vaccine available for protection from the virus that causes FHMD. It is said that doctors let the virus run on its course on the patient and no medicine is given to the patient unless the infection is severe and except for fever reducers that will help control high body temperatures.
The risk of getting infected by disease is lessened by washing the hands frequently specially after using the comfort room, disinfecting toys with solution of chlorine which can be made at home by mixing 1 tbsp of bleach to 4 cups of water. Another way is by avoiding close contact which means avoid kissing, hugging, eating on same plate with the person who has FHMD.

Remember: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure... agree?

Friday, October 1, 2010


Why are there some people who were just so lucky to be an instant millionaire while many of us are struggling so hard to earn for a living?
Here's the story of a 57 year old Ernest Pullen, from Bonne Terre, Missouri who won a million dollar last June from "100 Million Dollar Blockbuster" Scratchers ticket (locally in the Philippines we have a the Scratch and match) and in a just a gap of 3 months ( September 17. 2010) he again won 2 million dollars from "Mega Monopoly" scratchers ticket.

He considers himself a lucky guy but he doesn't expect to win for the third time. He said all the numbers in the ticket were the numbers he dreamt about and the others were his lucky numbers, recalling his dream six years ago. He is now planning to use his money to fix up his new house.
So who says lightning doesn't strike twice????