
Friday, October 1, 2010


Why are there some people who were just so lucky to be an instant millionaire while many of us are struggling so hard to earn for a living?
Here's the story of a 57 year old Ernest Pullen, from Bonne Terre, Missouri who won a million dollar last June from "100 Million Dollar Blockbuster" Scratchers ticket (locally in the Philippines we have a the Scratch and match) and in a just a gap of 3 months ( September 17. 2010) he again won 2 million dollars from "Mega Monopoly" scratchers ticket.

He considers himself a lucky guy but he doesn't expect to win for the third time. He said all the numbers in the ticket were the numbers he dreamt about and the others were his lucky numbers, recalling his dream six years ago. He is now planning to use his money to fix up his new house.
So who says lightning doesn't strike twice????

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