
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For sure, you already have heard about psychic, psychic abilites, psychic phenomena, paranormal. So what exactly is a psychic ability?

Psychic - is a person who has the skill or power to perceived informations through the extra sensory perception(ESP).  It comes from the Greek word " Psychikos" which means mental. The word psychic was first used by Nicolas Camille Flammarion, a French Astronomer.

Psychic ability - is the ability to get or gather knowledge that a person should not normally know.


CLAIRVOYANCE - comes from the word CLAIR which means clear and VOYANCE which means vision. It is the ability to gain information about a person, place, things, or a physical event without using any of the five senses. It is also called Remote Viewing.

CLAIRAUDIENCE - from the word CLAIR and AUDIENCE which means hearing.
It is the ability to hear things beyond the normal hearing range by paranormal auditory means.

CLAIRSENTIENCE OR CLAIREMPATHS - Sentience means feeling. It is the ability to know or feel the emotions of others.

CLAIRESCENCE /CLAIRALIENCE - from the word CLAIR meaning clear and ALIENCE which means smelling. It is the ability to access psychic powers through the sense of smell.

PSYCHOMETRY - is the ability to perceive information regarding a person, place, or things by touching or holding an object associated with it.

PSYCHOKINESIS - from the greek word psyche which means mind and kinesis meaning motion. It is the ability to move an object through the use of powers of mind. It is also called Telekinesis.

DISTANT HEALING - is the ability to heal pains or illnesses by transferring energies even if the subject is not present.

MENTAL TELEPATHY - it is the ability to transfer thoughts or communicate by mind to another person.

AURA READING OR AURIC SIGHT - is the ability to see luminous energies emanating from a person or see the colors of the aura.

According to studies all human have psychic abilities you just have to develop them.
 There are claims that once you develop psychic abilities, you will discover your strength and weaknesses but before getting involve, it is better to know the pros and cons of developing such abilities. There cases wherein a person overdo the practice of developing psychic abilities and end up being a patient in a "Psychiatric ward".

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article on psychic ability. I like the images most of all. You have inspired my own psychic ability. Peace and Blessings.
