
Sunday, October 10, 2010


We have been hearing a lot about FHMD (Foot, Hand and Mouth Disease) recently, especially when it was broadcast that Ms. Kris Aquino and her two sons namely Josh and Baby James got infected by the virus. So what exactly is FHMD?

According to what some information I have read from the internet FHMD should not be mistaken to FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) although their names are almost the same, they are totally unrelated and are caused by different organisms.

FMD is a virus that affects cattle, swine and sheep. They are from the Picornaviridae family, Aphthovirus genus. FMD is  known to be one of the most contagious livestock disease. This spreads from one animal to another rapidly. Mode of transmission is through feces, saliva, mucus, breaths, and milk.

FHMD are caused by intestinal viruses. It is a common viral infection that affects infants and children but adults who have immune deficiencies can also be infected.. The infections is spread from a person to another through direct contact with the infectious virus. It is said that the first week of the infection is the most contagious and although the symptoms have gone away, FHMD can still remain in the body for weeks. Some who were infected of this virus may not show any symptom. It is also said that a person who already got the infection is most likely to be immune from the disease. It may only recur if the person who already got FHMD in the past catches the infection that came from a different member of the enterovirus group that causes FHMD.

FHMD symptoms are the following:

vomiting, malaise, pain in the ear, fatigue, headache, sore throat, fever, oral lesions, non-itchy body rash, sores with blisters on palms and soles, diarrhea, and oral ulcers.

There are no specific treatment for the disease and no vaccine available for protection from the virus that causes FHMD. It is said that doctors let the virus run on its course on the patient and no medicine is given to the patient unless the infection is severe and except for fever reducers that will help control high body temperatures.
The risk of getting infected by disease is lessened by washing the hands frequently specially after using the comfort room, disinfecting toys with solution of chlorine which can be made at home by mixing 1 tbsp of bleach to 4 cups of water. Another way is by avoiding close contact which means avoid kissing, hugging, eating on same plate with the person who has FHMD.

Remember: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure... agree?

1 comment:

  1. I had FHMD last year but I'm glad I managed to treat it before it got worse.
