Friday, November 5, 2010


What comes to your mind when you hear or encounter the word NEGATIVE? Think again, Negative doesn't always mean negative. There is something in this world that gives positive result besides being called negative. I am talking about negative ions. Ions are electrically charged particles which are formed when an atom contains an unequal number of protons in the nucleus and electrons in the electrons cloud . Why is it called negative ions if it has positive effect on humans? It is because in the 1700's, people couldn't still understand electrons and atoms, it is Benjamin Franklin who gave the term "negative ion". An atom with one of its normal electron removed is called positive ion (anions) . An atom with an extra electrons is called negative ion (cations). Negative ions can increase the flow of oxygen in the brain which can cause mental energy and higher consciousness or alertness.

Benefits of negative ions:

Negative ions can prevent respiratory illnesses.
Negative ions are natural anti-depressants.
Negative ions can help us get a quality sleep.
Negative ions can fight the negative effects of smoking.
Negative ions can strengthen the functions of our autonomic nerves.
Negative ions can strengthen the body's immune system.

Ever heard that staying on a seashore can help you recover from respiratory illnesses? It is because study shows that seashores have thousands of negative ions.
There were several types of negative ionizers apparatus that were sold in the market for our homes, there were negative ionizers that can be use in your cars just by simply putting a device in your cigarette lighter receptacle, pendants and lately, through the use of a sanitary napkin. Yes, sanitary napkin! I am not connected by any means with the company that produces this sanitary napkin that has a  negative ions strips nor  a reseller of the product but I find it amazing that there are a lot of people who testify that this product really works. A woman who was diagnosed with multiple mesenchymal tumor or myoma testifies that she was totally cured of the illness by simply using the sanitary napkin. I haven't tried this negative ion strips but  I am willing to give it a try and see for myself what benefits negative ions can give me.

I found some of these videos on youtube and want to share it with you.

If this strips really help, why not make it available on all products that we regularly consume so that a lot of  people can benefit from the positive effect of negative ions. I'm pretty sure that if this happens,  we can prevent sickness caused by stressed, bacterias and pollution.

1 comment:

  1. hi very nice blog and so cool information.There is something in this world that gives positive result besides being called negative


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