
Monday, April 11, 2011


It's Holy Week once again, the time when Catholics do their penance and commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ to save mankind. So how exactly do Filipinos celebrate Holy Week?

Starting on Palm Sunday, the day were we commemorate the victorious entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. In the Philippines, during Palm Sunday, sidewalks near the church were full of vendors selling Palaspas or decorated palm leaves. Filipinos go to church early in the morning of Palm Sunday with their Palaspas to be blessed by the officiating priest. After the mass, the blessed palm leaves are placed on the front doors of their homes which they believed is an effective way to ward off bad spirits and spare their homes from being struck by lightning. The palm fronds will be left on their front door until the next Palm Sunday on the following year.

Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday -  During this time of the year, for many Catholics it is a time of prayer and reflection. In many places in the Philippines it is the start their traditional Holy Week  "Pabasa" which literally means reading, it is where the poetic prayer of life to resurrection of Jesus Christ is sung/chanted. It is also locally known as "Pasyon".

Maundy Thursday - the day in observance of the Last Supper. the washing of the feet,  the blessing of the bread and wine which symbolizes the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is also a tradition in the Philippines during Maundy Thursday to visit 7 different churches which is known as Visita Iglesia. During Visita Iglesia, most Catholics make the 14 stations. There were also diocese who celebrate Chrism Mass during Maundy Thursday. Chrism Mass is an annual gathering of all clergies wherein priests renew the vows which they made when they were ordained. Mass of Chrism was derived from the name of the "consecrated oil" itself. The Oil of Chrism/Holy Chrism/Sanctum Chrisma  is used in the administration of the sacraments of  baptism, confirmations and Holy Orders, in the consecration of things such as altar, paten, bells, chalices, and water for baptism.

On Good Friday Christians commemorates the passion and death of Christ, the seven last words { siete palabras ), the way of the cross (Via Crucis), there are also numerous street processions and stage plays locally known as "Senakulo".
During Good Fridays there were devotees who practice self-flagellation and some do their penance by having themselves crucified. Also on Good Friday, thousands of devotees of the Black Nazarene flock to Quiapo Church to join the morning procession.

Black Saturday - a day of silence and solemnity. Some are busy preparing for events on Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday - This is the end of the 40 day lent.  On Easter Sunday, at pre-dawn, there were 2 different procession which starts from 2 different points. One of them carries the image of the risen Christ and the other one carries the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is covered by black veil. The procession will meet at a point where a little girl dressed up as an angel  and was positioned on a high platform awaits to unveil the image of Mary which signifies that Mary has met his risen son. There are also some who have Easter parties for children which involves Easter egg hunting.
                                                                    amulets from Quiapo, Manila

Filipinos are indeed fascinated with talismans/amulets which is locally known as anting-anting. During Lenten Season specially on Good Fridays, those who possess amulets sanctify and recharge its power. They go to certain places such as Mt. Banahaw which is known as the mystic mountain or a   

haven for people search or spirituality.
              Mount Banahaw

Many Catholics believe that penance through crucifixion and self-flagellation would save their souls from the fires of hell, although this lenten tradition has been practiced in the Philippines by many Catholics for decades, church officials discouraged extreme corporal mortification. Also the Department of Health have given warning to flagellants for the possibilities of being infected with tetanus.
I agree with the church officials who were against this kind of penance. The observance of Lenten Season should be sacred. Instead of self mortification, why not have their repentance from sins the right way, which I believe is through meditation, fasting and abstinence.

                                                                         flagellants from Pampanga                        

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