
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The month of March marks the end of another school year which means it's graduation time once again.  The time when graduates will have to wear mortarboards and their togas / graduation gowns . Pre elementary and Senior students will have their chances to receive the expensive piece of paper every student is longing for. Of course who wouldn't be happy to have a Diploma which serves as their token and key to success in life. Parents of the graduands will be delighted and proud of their child's accomplishment. Graduates will have to face another journey in their life. Pre-elementary students will become elementaries, graduating  elementaries will become high school, high school seniors will become college students and college seniors will either continue to their masteral degree or will be lining up in job markets submitting their resumes.
For most high school seniors, graduation marks the end of their best years in life but as Alexander Graham Bell once said when a door closes another door opens ; Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open. Memories are indeed everlasting. Graduation is a start of something new in life.  It is the transition from one stage of a student's life to another.


Baccalaureate Service / mass - Usually done in any school with religious affiliations. It is a thanksgiving celebration for the graduating students for dedicating their lives to learning and wisdom . It has been believed to originate from Oxford University. The Baccalaureate Service / Mass is held  prior to Graduation. 

Graduation gown or Toga - the traditional clothing used by a graduating student.

Class ring - also known as grad ring. worn by the graduates to commemorate their graduation.

Valedictorian - the graduating student with the highest scholastic standing.

Valedictory address - is a speech dedicated to fellow graduates by the Valedictorian.

Diploma - a certificate that testifies that a student or the recipient has finished a particular course of study.

Mortarboard or the Square Academic cap worn by graduands. The tassle is usually flipped from right to the left upon receiving the diploma  indicating that the student has already graduated.    

The Graduation music -  The most popular music played during graduation rites is the "Pomp and Circumstance March I which is composed by Sir Edward Elgar. Another popular graduation music is the Verdi Triumphal grand march which is composed by Giuseppe Verdi.


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