
Monday, January 31, 2011


The most important and grandest of the social, traditional holiday in China is the Spring Festival or the Chinese New Year. It is a great time for family get together. Although many Chinese has adopted the Western calendar, wherein Chinese celebrating New Year on January 1, they still observe the traditional Chinese New Year.
There is a known Chinese legend that tells how the Chinese New Year started, It is said that the traditional holiday in China started when their ancestors fought Nian, a cruel monster who greedily eats on  crops, livestock  and the inhabitants specially the children. It is said the he would come during lunar month to hunt for villagers (if you are aware of the game World of Warcraft, the boss OMEN was actually inspired by Nian). Villagers were very afraid of him. They would locked themselves at home. so as not to be one of Nian's prey. During one of Nian's attack, an old, wise man from the village have noticed that Nian was sensitive to loud noises and that he was afraid of children wearing red. The villagers came up with a plan that when the monster would again attack, they would beat drums and gongs, and would light up firecrackers (by that time they use gunpowders) to make loud noises  and they would wear red robes. When the monster Nian attacked, they did what has been planned and the beast ran out. Ever since, the ferocious monster no longer appeared in the village. Since then, they celebrate their victory every year during winter, making loud noises by beating drums, gongs, lighting firecrackers and wearing red, thus making it the celebration of the Chinese New Year.
GONG HE XIN XI, Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái!,

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