
Monday, August 16, 2010


President Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" Aquino III launches his own website. It has been said that the website's main purpose is to make a way for the Filipino citizens to interact and reach out to him in order that he can know the peoples' thoughts and problems to make his administration more transparent and trustworthy. The website has sub-pages with the latest news about the President such as his policy statements, peoples' "vow for a change", his list of cabinet members with links to the website of the Government offices,  photos and videos taken from P-Noy's official activities, the president and his staff's contact information, links for his social networking site pages and a page dedicated for restoring the good traditional Filipino values specially for the young ones. This page also encourages everyone to post images just like in facebook which shows Filipino values such as saying "po and opo" ,"respect the Philippine Flag" and "the value of education"
After launching the site, it reaches 16,000 views within 3 hours from 94 different countries.  The Presidents new website is


  1. are you a filipino?just curious because u r posting something about president of Philippine. The information on your blog is vast anyway, so damn a lot of different things you are talking about. Enjoy reading it!

  2. salute to this politican own website link hahaha

  3. Salute you for what you have done. It is still very long and ardous road ahead. As one high official said to us, "gagawa tayo ng gawa, eh wala naman naniniwala sa atin..." :)

  4. In education I suggest that we use our local dialects in our respective areas to teach our elementary students in all subjects, but adopt terms from English language, those terms we don't have the dialect equivalent, with this I strongly believe that our students can easily understand and learn the lesson we are imparting to them.


