
Tuesday, August 24, 2010



August 23, 2010, the Manila hostage incident took the attention of the whole world. Policemen from the Manila Police District and media people were surely tensed by the situation.  I just want to share my opinion on what had happened yesterday.  On the part of the hostage taker, Rolando Mendoza, there were lot mixed different reactions based on what he did. There are people who sympathize with his lost and there are others who criticize him on his decision to resolve his problem by taking hostages and demanding on whatever would make his name clear for the accusations made on him. According to reports, former Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza  has a lot of awards of recognitions and achievements and was even cited as one of the top ten policemen in 1986 but then in 2008 he was charge of extortion and robbery and was dismissed from service in 2009. He claimed that he was dismissed because of wrong accusations. He might have lost his hope that pushed him to use this wrong way to shout out his grievances. He might have been a victim of circumstances just like the others who were jailed and sentenced without committing any offense. This I agree, put the country in shame as 8 of the Hong Kong nationals were dead after the incident. On the part of the policemen who responded on the situation, experts says that there were lapses on their part. Judge  Jaime Santiago, also a former senior Police Officer from the SWAT of MPD and hostage situation expert says that policemen failed to do what is appropriate in such situation. Judge Santiago, said that they should have imposed proper crowd control and that they panicked after hearing gunshots from inside the bus. On my personal point of view, policemen and negotiators should have tried their best to end up the situation peacefully with no bloodshed. We have seen videos on the earlier part of the hostage drama, Rolando Mendoza were releasing victims, an indication that he have no intention of harming them and that Mendoza was psychologically stable,  he just want justice. What triggers his anger and made him out of his mind is seeing the policemen taking his brother into custody through a TV inside the tourist bus.
As a Filipino,  lets stop blaming anyone, our country would only suffer more criticism from this incident.
For the families and friends of the victims, I extend my sincere condolences to you. May the souls of those who depart rest in peace.

President Aquino issue proclamation no. 23 declaring August 25 as National Day of Mourning in solidarity with the People of Hong Kong and the families of the victims.

(the author doesn't claim ownership of the photo shown in this article)