
Sunday, June 6, 2010


In the late 19th century somewhere in Virignia, USA, a doctor named Pepper who owns a drugstore, employed in his soda fountain a young diligent man who eventually fell in love with her beautiful daughter.
When love blossomed over the soda fountain, however, Dr. Pepper fired his creative, passionate and smart employee, who went to Waco, Texas and took up residency at the Old Corner Drugstore. One day while in grief for his lost love and whipping up various soft-drink flavors, he hit upon a couple of ingredients that seemed to please his customers. The drink was dubbed as " Dr. Pepper" in tribute to the girl he love. Eventually, the young inventor returned to Virginia to win the heart and hand of his sweetheart.
Meanwhile, back at Waco, one of the top customer of  Old Corner Drugstore, R.S. Lazenby, who was also a beverage chemist, experimented with the new drink and in 1885 put "Dr. Pepper" on sale at a number of local soda fountains. Both the young inventor and Mr. Lazenby didn't have a hint that one day American's would be consuming over a million of bottles and cans of "Dr. Pepper" annually. A year after Mr. Lazenby sold his "Dr. Pepper", a pharmacist from Atlanta who is renowned for his patent medicines concocted an elixir for the aid of the nervous and for those who drinks too much. The mixture caught so well at the local soda fountain, with that Pemberton soon started to manufacture his own creation...."COCA-COLA".  It's ingredients include caramel, cola nuts, coca leaves, phosphoric acid, caffeine, fruit flavors and various spices. It was originally known as 7X. The secrets in making 7X was so precious. Only two or three employees were permitted to know the contents of 7X and they were not allowed to travel together.
In 1898, Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist from North Carolina came up with a new recipe for soft-drink Six years later he was bottling his new drink. "PEPSI-COLA".
Hyman Kirsch of Brooklyn, in 1952 introduced the sugar-free soft drinks with his "NO-CAL" sodas.
 Isn't it a fascinating fact?

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